Project Christmas NJ - Helping NJ families in need for 10 years!
We're a small, family run group working hard each holiday season to help our neighbors in need.
100% of the money we raise through GoFundMe is used DIRECTLY for NJ kids & their families
* We have ZERO paid staff *
* Our overhead is fully funded by our small volunteer team each year *
We've provided clothing, Christmas trees & decor, winter coats & gear, school supplies, household
cleaning supplies & paper products, baby supplies, pet food, and FULFILLED the wishlists of toys & gifts for
857 kids and their families since 2015!!!!
- ALL storage, transportation, advertising costs, and our Project Christmas storage and work spaces each year
is provided by our founder & her small volunteer team. To learn more about the Project Christmas Team and
how we do it every year - Please CLICK HERE!
We're a small, family run group working hard each holiday season to help our neighbors in need.
100% of the money we raise through GoFundMe is used DIRECTLY for NJ kids & their families
* We have ZERO paid staff *
* Our overhead is fully funded by our small volunteer team each year *
We've provided clothing, Christmas trees & decor, winter coats & gear, school supplies, household
cleaning supplies & paper products, baby supplies, pet food, and FULFILLED the wishlists of toys & gifts for
857 kids and their families since 2015!!!!
- ALL storage, transportation, advertising costs, and our Project Christmas storage and work spaces each year
is provided by our founder & her small volunteer team. To learn more about the Project Christmas Team and
how we do it every year - Please CLICK HERE!
Project Christmas 2024 is JUST around the corner!
Helping others made easy:
===> ==> Support Project Christmas families through our 2024 Amazon Wish List! <== <===
==> ==> Contribute via this year's GoFundMe <== <==
100% of the contributions made to our GoFundMe are used DIRECTLY for families in need- we have ZERO paid staff - our entire operating costs are provided for by our volunteers- your money is used ONLY to provide items NEEDED & WANTED by the children & families that we provide support through our efforts each holiday season. The Evans Family (@EvansFamilyLegoProject) covers 100% of the operational costs of this Project (approximately $4500 a year) - Our entire process is the result of the hard work of volunteers; we have absolutely ZERO paid staff. That means every single penny we collect from donors GOES DIRECTLY TO BUYING ITEMS FROM THE KIDS' WISH LISTS. If you would like to assist us in helping MORE children & their families this Christmas season, Please consider one of the two easiest ways to help;
Ordering a gift for a child through the wish-list is the fastest and easiest way to ensure that your donation is fulfilling one of our DIRECT needs, for a child that will receive that gift on Christmas morning. The more Amazon gift items that we receive, the more quickly we're able to remove more families from our standby/wait list. Click to Navigate to a Page:
All Donations can be dropped off 24/7 at our Donation Trailer starting NOVEMBER 20th 2023 in front of: 1103 Hudson Ave Voorhees NJ 08043 Our donation trailer is under 24/7 surveillance and donations are transported to the warehouse every other day or so, where we sort for distribution every 48-72 hours or as needed. Sharing just this ONE LINK - with anyone you know - via social media, text message, etc - can save a child's Christmas;
Download our 2024 Neighborhood Flyer soon!
The two easiest ways to help the children & families we serve:
Total Number of Children Waiting for Sponsors: 14
- 13 kids under 10 / 1 kids ages 11-17 -
(From 5 families)
As of: Nov 16, 2023@ 0758 hrs
Kids Still Needing Sponsorship will be Listed Here
As of: Dec 15, 2023
See this year's *Families in Need* HERE
We can not approve more families until more donations are received.
Purchasing from our Amazon Wish List or Donating to our GoFundMe is the
BEST way to ensure that we can remove kids/families from our waitlist.
We've make it as easy as we can - by giving you all these secure options:
Pre-Applications opened Nov 15th at 1201am EST and Pre-Applications will CLOSE on Dec 9th at 11:59 pm EST;
Full Applications (for eligible pre-applicants) will close Dec 11th at 11:59 pm EST, to give us time to complete the collection, sorting and distribution of Christmas Gifts.
Full Applications (for eligible pre-applicants) will close Dec 11th at 11:59 pm EST, to give us time to complete the collection, sorting and distribution of Christmas Gifts.
All contact in 2023 will require 100% compliance with proper social distancing.
If you do not comply with Covid-19 protocols: Our family's health is not yours to risk - If you do not intend to take Covid-19 precautions seriously - DO NOT APPLY.
You can see our sponsored families and their needs & wish-lists HERE.
If you do not comply with Covid-19 protocols: Our family's health is not yours to risk - If you do not intend to take Covid-19 precautions seriously - DO NOT APPLY.
You can see our sponsored families and their needs & wish-lists HERE.
Project Notifications
Mobile Users- please use the menu at the top left of the page to navigate.
Please go HERE to sign up to receive email / text notifications about Project Christmas
(Your information will NEVER be given away or sold to anyone else- you will receive a MAXIMUM of 5 communications from us each year.)
Mobile Users- please use the menu at the top left of the page to navigate.
Please go HERE to sign up to receive email / text notifications about Project Christmas
(Your information will NEVER be given away or sold to anyone else- you will receive a MAXIMUM of 5 communications from us each year.)
Thank you for helping us have an amazing Project Christmas 2023!